Small-scale blueberry packaging equipment

Both Chile and Peru are the world’s major exporters of blueberries. In addition, blueberries are also widely grown in Australia, China, South Africa, Mexico, the United States and Ukraine. They are widely loved by consumers because of their rich nutritional value.


As a leader in the fruit and vegetable sorting and packaging industry in China, ZHENGZHOU FIRST INDUSTRY CO., LTD has a wealth of experience in pre-processing after harvesting of fruits and vegetables. According to the needs of consumers, it continues to provide users with valuable suggestions。


Blueberry grading machine is one of the most popular equipment in Blueberry packing industry. Here we can see the design of machine is changing based on the real needs of users from different place of the world.


First generation of blueberry grader, contact points are stainless steel material while the outer of machine is made of carbon steel.


Second generation, fully 304 stainless steel machine, conveyor belt is pvc material, the sorting belt is longer so that more workers can join the sorting work.


Third generation, compared with the previous equipment, this machine is fully guarded, the conveyor belt of PU material has also made this machine popular in Europe.


Fourth generation,in order to meet customers' standardized production needs and facilitate centralized processing of abandoned fruits, we have added a abandoned fruit conveyor belt to the blueberry sorting equipment.

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Fifth Generation,this device has a smaller drop, which is better for protecting blueberry pollen. Moreover, its capacity is twice that of a traditional drum blueberry grader, thus greatly improving sorting efficiency.

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