Recently, Fstsort successfully completed the loading of a plum grading machine and officially shipped it to Turkey. This equipment is designed to improve the grading efficiency and product quality of fruit farmers. With its precise electronic grading system and efficient operation capabilities, it has been highly recognized by Turkish customer.
Morocco is one of the fastest rising avocado exporting countries in the world. Its avocado is competitive in the European market. Each year, Morocco exports many avocados to Europe such as Spain,France,The Netherlands and Germany.
Avocado has a rough skin and is shaped like a pear. Its skin is dark brown and hard, and the flesh is yellow-green and soft and delicate. It has rich nutritional value and is rich in a large amount of healthy fats, especially monounsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and protect cardiovascular health. At the same time, it is rich in vitamins C, E, K and minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which can not only resist oxidation but also maintain the body's electrolyte balance. It can be sliced and paired with bread, or mixed with milk and honey to make a milkshake with a mellow taste. From nutritional supplements to taste bud enjoyment, avocados are entering people's lives with a unique attitude.
Abiyán, Costa de Marfil – La empresa FstSort ha implementado con éxito una innovadora línea de clasificación de cocos en Costa de Marfil, país líder en producción agrícola de África Occidental. Aunque la temporada principal de cosecha de cocos se concentra en octubre, el sistema, instalado a principios de este año, ya opera en fase de pruebas procesando pequeños lotes.