How to effectively sort Fuyu persimmons

Somewhat resembling a tomato, Fuyu persimmons have a thin reddish-orange skin and soft flesh. Ripe fruit offers a pleasant, spicy, sweet flavor and is tannin-free. Described as having a flavor compared to a blend of mango and papaya, some say it has an apricot overtone. Others say it tastes like an apple and orange mixed together. 

Fuyu persimmons sorter

Whether it is crisp-hard or just slightly soft, this persimmon is ready to be enjoyed. The flatter and crisper Fuyu variety is one of the most popular persimmons available. Absolutely succulent, this tasty fruit is a welcomed sight to its addicted fans.The Fuyu variety, the slightly oval Hachiya and the Tanenashi are the most frequently seen persimmons in our markets today. 

Persimmons offer an excellent source of fiber and contain lots of vitamin A, plus are a good source of vitamin C. Practically fat-free, persimmons are sodium-free.

But persimmons themselves are vulnerable to knock, and before they are sold or exported, they are usually sorted into five grades by packing warehouses, as shown below.

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In order to ensure gentle sorting of persimmons and thus increase production efficiency, we produce electronic weight sorting packaging machines designed to prevent any form of damage to your fruit. FstSort sorting technology makes production more efficient and lets you get the most out of each batch of persimmons.

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