Tropical fruits are popular in China. Fruits planted in Southeast countries are not only of high quality but also of a low price. Therefore, we import many fruits from these countries.
Most of the time, fruits are exported to China by sea. Wenzhou Port has outstanding port conditions and location advantages, making it one of the ideal ports for Southeast Asian fruits to enter the business in the Chinese market. Therefore, the company updated its infrastructure to provide convenience fruits importing business, which can decrease the cost of logistics and storing.
On March 22, the ship loading with 18 tones dragon fruits entering the Wenzhou port. It is the first batch of fruits that enter the Chinese market from this port after upgrading the infrastructure. The whole journey only took five days, which helped not only help people spend less on logistics but also ensure the freshness of fruits.
There will be more fruits entering the Chinese market by Wenzhou port in the future. To win a broad market, it is important to improve the quality of fruits. Zhengzhou first industry is a company which specializes in field of fruit sorting lines. If you need a fruit grading line, you can contact us.