Vietnamese sweet potatoes enter the Chinese market through official channels

Sweet potatoes from Vietnam must meet phytosanitary requirements involving cultivation, monitoring, processing, storage, packaging and transportation, according to a notice from China's General Administration of Customs.

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Sweet potato is one of the most important agricultural products in Vietnam. Most of its plantations are concentrated in Vinh Long Province in the Mekong Delta, with more than 13,000 hectares under cultivation. Currently, Vietnam exports 11 types of fruits to China through official channels.

But what bothers growers the most is how to sort sweet potatoes efficiently and quickly, and FstSort is definitely a professional in this area. Because we have helped many sweet potato growers in China and abroad to find the right sorting machine for their plant and production. If you also have a lot of troubles in this area, please feel free to contact us and we will improve the yield and quality of sweet potatoes for you.