First batch of Pakistani mangoes to arrive in China

The first shipment of Pakistani mangoes will soon arrive by plane in Kunming, Yunnan Province, according to the United Pakistani News Agency.


Pakistan's Imperial Ventures exported 3-4 tonnes of Sindhri mangoes, which arrived in Kunming on 28 May, said Adnan Hafeez, CEO of Imperial Ventures, adding that Pakistan expects to export 100 tonnes of mangoes to China this year, twice as much as last year. Pakistan is expected to export 100 tonnes of mangoes to China this year, twice as much as last year, said Adnan Hafeez, CEO of Imperial Ventures.

Pakistan is the third largest exporter of mangoes in the world and mangoes can be available for up to 5-6 months. Mangoes are available in Pakistan from May to August every year, with the peak in June. However, the recent high temperatures in Pakistan may affect the yield and quality of mangoes.

Our company is also looking forward to more cooperation with Pakistani mango exporters and growers, so if you are interested in mango grading machines, please feel free to contact us.