Agricultural machinery and me

Who am I? I'm a sales man in zhengzhou first industry.

How many years I working in this industry? Three years.


Three years is a period which is not very long for human life but we possible experience kinds of interesting and unforgettable memory.

China is a big agricultural country, but it is only in recent years that it has begun to turn more attention to the research of agricultural equipment


 I have a deep experience in this company, when I first contacted our equipment, we only produce sorting equipment


And our customer branches are all in Asia and Africa, have not entered Europe or America.


I realized this huge gap, and I spent time visiting the equipment of leading companies in the industry, and I felt very deep. After finishing it into a written document, I reported it to our CEO and initiated reforms.


Customer demand is the best weather vane. We replaced the original employees and re-established the factory system. I summarized the market trends by classifying customers, and then fed back to the design section to upgrade the equipment.


Then let's see what happened to the equipment 


